NonFiction Book Club

Stop People Pleasing: And Find Your Power

Hailey Magee


For most of Hailey Magee's life, people-pleasing came so naturally to her that she didn't even have a word for it. When somebody wanted something from her—even a stranger—she gave it, no matter how uncomfortable, exhausted, or resentful she felt inside. People-pleasing, she learned, was a coping mechanism that had kept her physically and emotionally safe in the past, but wreaked havoc on her life in the present—and she was committed to breaking the pattern once and for all.

The solution that social media and self-help shelves gave her was to Advocate for yourself! Speak up! Set boundaries! But after years of ignoring her feelings and needs, Magee needed more than boundaries; she needed to reconnect with the self who was supposed to be doing the advocating. You can't express yourself if you're cut off from your feelings. You can't fight for your needs if you don't know what they are. And you can't set boundaries with others until you believe you're worthy of more than the bare minimum. Radically reconnecting with herself gave Magee the confidence and self-respect she needed to stand up for herself in her relationships. As she experienced a freedom she never thought possible, she became a certified life coach with the mission of helping others do the same.

Stop People Pleasing explains how anyone can break the pattern by learning their own feelings, needs, values, and desires; ending cycles of enmeshment and codependency; overcoming guilt; developing physical and sexual agency; and more. It is a refreshingly nuanced guide, exploring fundamental questions like:
-How can I tell when my genuine kindness veers into people-pleasing?
-How can I set boundaries while maintaining my empathy and generosity?
-When is it appropriate to compromise on my needs, and when is it not?

Visit Hailey Magee Store on AmazonABOUT THE AUTHOR: 

Hailey Magee is a certified life coach who helps people around the world stop people-pleasing and master the art of self-advocacy. She is the author of "STOP People Pleasing" and Find Your Power, released by Simon & Schuster in May 2024. Hailey's refreshingly nuanced perspectives on boundary-setting and self-advocacy have captured the attention of millions on social media, and her workshops and courses have welcomed tens of thousands of participants worldwide. Certified by Erickson Coaching International, Hailey is dedicated to offering clear, research-supported strategies for change, helping recovering people-pleasers rediscover not only their power and agency, but their pleasure, joy, and sense of wonder. She lives in Seattle, Washington.

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